Monday, October 14, 2013

Let your Light so Shine

And yet another amazing weekend...

God is so good. He takes care of His children even when we don't think to ask Him. This weekend I was particularly nervous about a certain encounter. Without praying, I ran head first into my busy weekend activities. Looking back, I see that God provided in moments that I had forgotten to seek His help. I see that God took away that encounter so that I could enjoy my weekend and spend time with my precious girls. He has a plan and a purpose and I should learn to let go and quit worrying so much. All this week's nervous worrying about the weekend was pointless. If I would have given the situation up to Him earlier, I could have saved on the stress!

I had such a remarkable weekend with my girls! I know that God has me where I am right now for a purpose. I know that He has specific things for me to do "for such a time as this." These girls I've developed friendships with over the summer, and many others are a part of my purpose.

I have a wandering heart. I have an unquenchable thirst for travel. I was made to be a missionary. But I have come to realize that I'm placed here, in this situation, in this moment, for a reason. I have a fire for Jesus that I'm meant to spread. I was created to experience his grace and to extend His glory.

Missions is my calling. But it is more than just a calling. It is a command. Mark 16:15 says "And he said to them, 'Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.'"

I've been reading the book Radical by David Platt and I've been thoroughly challenged to re-evaluate the way I live my life. It has caused me to rethink how I view God, the Bible, and Christianity. I learned that missions is not an optional church activity that we can choose to participate in or not participate in. It is a command by God that most people have overlooked or brushed off because they don't believe they are "called." We have diminished the commands of God to a calling. That's a pretty big deal.

And many people mistake being a missionary for being someone who drops everything and moves overseas. While this radical abandonment to Christ is to be commended, I'll admit, it's not for everyone. But so many people who don't think they are called to missions move through their everyday lives ignoring the command to spread the gospel to the ends of the earth. They forget that their immediate surroundings are included in that command.

Think about it this way... if there were Christians (or at least just ONE Christian) in every part or every region of the world, if they spread the gospel right where they were, and those new Christians spread the gospel where they were, etc, etc, then we could ELIMINATE the need for those who are fully devoted to have to move overseas to take the gospel. What an interesting thought! But it's so sad that we as Christians have dropped the ball, causing the few who take God's command seriously to have to leave everything to pick up the slack.

Answer this honestly to yourself: How many people have you told about Jesus today? What about yesterday? What about this whole week? This month? This year? Think about that seriously. In one year's time, how many people were impacted by your life? What difference are you making?

It's not too late to start making a difference. Start today by telling one person about Jesus. And if you're new to it, start slowly by just inviting someone to church with you. Get out of your box. Realize that one day without spreading the gospel is a day wasted. Let your life count for more than just Facebook friends and Instagram followers. You don't have to leave home to spread the message to the ends of the earth. Start spreading it a little each day.

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