Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Be you.


I don't need to prove myself to anyone.

I don't need to live up to anyone else's standards.

I don't have to be accepted by anyone.

I am me, and that's all I have to be.

Today I was reflecting on how painful it is to be rejected by someone, or how it feels to be told you aren't good enough. No one should feel like that ever. No one should ever feel like they need to change, or be different, or impress someone to be wanted, needed or loved. 

Don't change for anyone. Be you. Because if you change to be accepted, you'll have to keep up the front if you want anything to last. And the day that gets too exhausting, you won't be able to remember who you really were.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Think Before You Judge

The more involved with social media I become, the more appalled at the judgement being cast down on others. So here are a few things to think on…

Matthew 7:1-5 says:
Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.

In short, it is saying not to judge the actions of those around you. While you are pointing out their flaws, you are overlooking the flaws in your own life.

What I find is that many people do not truly understand that all sin is equal. We have a tendency to place sin on a scale of what we THINK is worse. 

God sees all sins equally. We are the ones placing values on sins. 

James 4: 11-12 says:
Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge. There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?

Not only are we told not to judge, but we are also told not to speak evil against one another. Now when God tells us not to do something, and we do it anyways, what is that called? Sin. 

So while you're judging those around you and talking badly about their sin, you are committing sins yourself in the process. Just think about that for a while.

There is ONE lawgiver and ONE judge.

Who are you to judge your neighbor? 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Bloom Where You Are Planted

More random ramblings...

The hardest lesson I've learned of late was that sometimes you aren't called to go, sometimes you're called to help others go. Sometimes you're a part of the process that launches others into the world to spread the gospel. Sometimes God has a different plan in mind than what you had hoped.

And when you realize this, it's easy to be selfish. It's easy to be disappointed. It's easy to be discouraged.
I know because this is me.

God created the universe. He created you, He created me, He created everything. He knows your talents, your weaknesses, everything about you - because He made you. So when God designed the master plan He placed each and every person where He knew they could be used to further His kingdom to the greatest capacity. Why? Because we exist solely for God. We were made to experience His grace and extend His glory.
His plan incorporates our strengths and minimizes our weaknesses. He doesn't ask of you what you cannot endure. When He asks above and beyond what you can do, He provides it, He creates the way, He does it.. if you allow Him.

What I've noticed is that sometimes we jump ahead. We think we see the plan and we want to run and do it ourselves. We forget that the plan's designer wants a daily relationship with us. We forget that He'll provide everything needed to accomplish His plan in perfect timing. We forget that He created the plan, therefore He is the only one who knows the ins and outs, the way to get the plan completed perfectly as He wants it.
We forget.

So, more often that we'd like, we have to be reminded that this is God's plan, not ours. And we have to take a step back and ask God what He wants. It's not easy, and sometimes it hurts.

What I can say is that maybe He's not saying no forever. Maybe He is saying no for now. Maybe there is more for you to do here. He has a greater plan. If you accept the answer and direction He gives and submit to it, He will reveal what He wants of you and I can promise it will be more amazing than what you could have ever dreamed up. 

My advice? (And what I've learned from the amazing mentors God has placed in my own life:)
Bloom where you are planted.

Seek God's face, accept his instruction, obey his direction and flourish where He has you. Every piece of your life is a part of His divine plan. Every place, every person, every experience, everything. It is all in your life for a reason. It is all a part of the journey, your learning experience.

Let go of your plan and link up with God's.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Holiday Stress

Just some short thoughts because it's been awhile...

So I'm praying again about the World Race. If you could keep me in your prayers.

I'm also in the middle of college finals. I have one more day of classes, 2 projects due, 4 papers due, and 4 finals. So a little prayer about that too would be helpful.

And I want to thank those of you who read regularly. It's incredibly encouraging. Not because I want any focus from blogging, but because I feel that God has given me a talent in writing. It is my voice, if you will. The way I can share what I know and what I'm learning. So thanks for supporting me.

Nothing profound today.. just a little note of encouragement:

So it's Christmastime! Yay! Who is stressed already?
I know I am. My stress comes from a bunch of thing: finals, grades, projects, graduation, money, work, family, holidays, planning, shopping, etc.

But when you start to get overwhelmed this holiday season, just sit back and remember that God offers peace to His children. He doesn't want you to be stressed. Stress is actually a result of us losing focus of God and his almighty hand and looking at the turbulence around us in this world.

It's like Peter when he walked on water. When his focus was on Jesus, he could literally do the impossible. When he turned his eyes to the troubles around him, he began to sink and it was apparent that he was in over his head (again, literally). So don't look at the waves. Don't dwell on the negative, the impossible, the difficulties. Focus on Jesus. Let Him give you that peace that can only come through Him.

I know about 3 weeks ago I was stressed hard core about school. I decided to let go of everything and focus only on God. Somehow my worries were gone. My responsibilities weren't gone, my tests weren't gone, but my cares had vanished. I was so relieved, so at peace, so happily in love with Christ. My walk with Him was absolutely incredible. I still wasn't making the best grades, but I just wasn't stressed about it anymore. Then I lost sight. I began to look at the waves around me, the bad grades adding up and the responsibilities that never ended and I felt like I was drowning. To give that all back over to Him was like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. 

I know that all things work together for the good of those who please Him. I know that if I keep my priorities straight and keep my eyes on Him, His will will be done and I cannot fail.

Pray with me every day this month to keep your eyes on Jesus. It will cut down on your stress and you'll feel happier and fuller than you've ever felt.

Thursday, November 28, 2013


A cliche Thanksgiving post.

What I'm thankful for and why:

Mark 10:6 But from the beginning of creation, "God made them male and female."
Without God, we would not exist. I'm thankful that He gave life. I'm also thankful that Jesus gave his life so that we could keep ours eternally. 

John 11:25-26 Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die.
Life without salvation is nothing. It's a wasted existence. I'm incredibly thankful that Jesus died to pay the price for our sins. I will forever be thankful.

Ephesians 1:7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace.
On a daily basis, I'm reminded of what a horrible sinner I am. I'm reminded of my past and my failures. But then I remember that I've been redeemed. I don't have to worry about my past. I don't even have to worry about future sins. They've already been paid for by Jesus' perfect blood. What an amazing gift.

Life can throw some serious curves. I'm thankful that I have a family who sticks by me no matter what. Not only in my darkest hours were/are they there for me, but I've seen their love to my other siblings in similar ways. I know that not everyone has a perfect family. My family doesn't come close to perfection. Every family has flaws because they are made up of imperfect people. But I'm so thankful for the family I've been given. I can look back on my life and say for certain that I would not have come to some of the realizations that I did without their love, mercy, forgiveness. patience, and wisdom. I'm forever grateful for my parents. I'm so blessed.

Everyone says they are thankful for friends and family on Thanksgiving, but I feel like this time its different. Being thankful for my friends takes on a different meaning this year. I'm a pretty social person, but through my own doing, I isolated myself from most of my friends in past years. I only had a few close friends. When everything was said and done and I went through what has proved to be the most challenging time in my life, I found myself with no one but my family. I found myself alone. And I don't blame anyone but myself. God looked down on me and knew I needed certain people. He knew they needed me. And I can confidently say that I have the most amazing, incredible friends around. Every single day I thank God for them. Every single day my heart feels so happy that it might burst at some point and time because of the love I have for them. Every single day. Oh how blessed I am! I won't even begin to list them because there are so many, some closer than others, but I know that every one of them is in my life for a purpose and I in theirs. I love all of you!

This year, freedom doesn't mean freedom of religion, speech, or any other political connotation to me. This year it means freedom from my sin. Freedom from myself. Freedom in Christ. It's incredible to get to a point where you experience real freedom. I can't even tell you. You have to experience it for yourself. It changed my life. It makes me so happy to know I'm free in Him.

These are just a few things. There are so many things in life I'm thankful for. I'm thankful for the people and experiences that led me to where I am now. Many people look back on life with regrets but I can confidently say that I don't regret where I came from. I don't regret those special people I met along the way. I don't regret. I am thankful. Thankful that I continue to learn and grow every day. Thankful that God has unlimited love, mercy, grace, forgiveness and patience. Thankful that I can now see the positive qualities in myself: my strength, my passion, my love, my talents.

I'm thankful that God meets us where we are. When I was wandering and confused, he gave me a family to accept me. They were closer to me than my own blood. But when I was found and had to make hard changes in life, he provided me with an immediate family who persevered through my phases and stages. That meant more to me than anything. The perseverance in my struggles. What an incredible God who looks down and gives us what/who we need when we need it/them. Oh how He loves me. Oh how He's blessed me. My heart is incredibly full. Full of joy, happiness, and thankfulness.

Psalm 9:1 I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Stop trying. Start submitting.

Mind blown.

I'm a Christian. I'm not perfect, but I'm a Christian.
I try really hard. I slip, I fall, but I get back up and try again. 
I feel that a lot of things I do please God. I feel that my heart's desires (mostly) please God.
I feel that, for the most part, my priorities are in place.
Even when it's hard, I still give an honest effort to do the right thing.
I seek out opportunities to serve Him.

But all this trying is not what God wants. 
God doesn't want my best effort to please Him and to accomplish things.
He wants my submission.

To explain.. My best effort to please and serve Him falls grossly short of what is required to please Him.
The one thing He wants from me is submission. A willingness to let go of my self-centeredness and to let Him have complete control.

Switch gears for a moment.
When you think about the Bible, what is it? Like physically, what is it?
A book.
A book of stories. About who? What?

Many would say about people. People who walked with God.
But that's completely wrong. The Bible is a book about stories. But our view is wrong. The Bible is a book of stories about God accomplishing His plan through men. It's not about men at all, but about God and God alone.

See the problem is our view. Our focus. We are only human, therefore we view everything in a self-centered, human-centric way. Life is not about you or me. Life is not about what we do or say. Life is about God. Life was created by God. Everything is God centered. We have just developed a self-centered view.

So back to what I was saying about my effort. I try really hard. I put in a real effort to please God and to do things for Him to accomplish the "goal." But I realized that I'm completely missing the point. 

He's already got a plan. I'm just a vessel that can be used by Him to accomplish it if I'll stop trying so hard and just let go and let God use me.
God never asked me to sit down and figure out how to reach the world. He doesn't require that of anyone. What an impossible task to ask of imperfect human beings.  He already has a plan. All I need to do is see where He's working, and get onboard. His plan will be accomplished in the way He wants it to. Not the way I decide it should be.

And ultimately, this is best. Because he is omniscient. Omnipresent. Omnipotent. He sees and knows everything. He is everywhere. So his view on life is much better than mine. I'm pretty sure I can count on Him to see all the pieces and to put them together in the most fitting way to accomplish what He needs to be done.
Let me give you a little visual to put things into perspective...

Take Noah for example. He was serving God. He was preaching, trying to reach people. He had a plan. Tell people about God. But God's plan was to flood the earth and start over.
In the grand scheme of things, if Noah had resisted God and thought that he had things under control, how much good would that have done when the flood hit? How valuable would Noah's efforts have been? Pretty useless.

Any plan, any idea, anything Noah could have possibly dreamed up to do for God would have been pointless given the coming destruction of the flood. So it's a darn good thing he let go and let God direct him. His submission is what God used to save mankind and to start over using Noah's family.

So think about what that means for your own life. Whatever plan you or I have does not compare to the plan God has. If we could stop trying so hard and start submitting, maybe we'd accomplish what He has for us to accomplish on this earth.

Just a thought.

Monday, November 25, 2013


Just what has been on my mind today...

Today wasn't fun. Plans were canceled on me and people were not nice. 
Not a horrible day, but not a good one.
And I made the mistake of focusing on all that was wrong in my life. All the things I wanted and didn't have, all the things I was missing out on, all the things that I couldn't change... all those negative things.

Then I realized how much I have to be thankful for.
My friends are the absolute best. I literally could not ask for better friends. Sure they're human. Sure people make mistakes, they aren't perfect, they let you down. But God has provided some of the sweetest, most caring, loving, funniest people I could have ever asked for. I have been given so much. I am so blessed.

When you're having a rough day, just take a moment to remember what He's done for you, what He's brought you through, what He's provided when you didn't deserve it. It will really change your perspective.

My heart is so full. I am so happy and so thankful for the life God has given to me, despite the ruins I had brought it to. He is incredible. He is good. He is God.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Be still.

I have a wandering heart. A traveling soul. A nomadic spirit.
I wasn't meant to stay in one place.

But when God says "be still," you can bet that's exactly what I'll do.
Psalm 37:7 Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way, over the man who carries out evil devices!

Thailand is calling my name. The poor and helpless in India need me. The children of Nepal starving for more than just food, starving for God's love need to hear what I have to say!
But God says be still.
Psalm 131:2 But I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child is my soul within me.

My wandering heart, my traveling soul, my nomadic spirit has been calmed and quieted. I know that God has a greater plan than anything I could have imagined. Sure, it sounds great that I would pack my life into a 50 pound backpack and set off across the world to share His story. But He has something even better. Something so incredible I could never have thought it up or figured it out myself. My flesh, no matter that I'm saved, redeemed, or converted, is still sinful flesh. It is still imperfect. It cannot know the incredible ways of our Savior. It cannot compare to the plans He has for us.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Psalm 62:5 For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him

So when He says be still I will trust Him and be still. I will wait patiently. I will quiet my traveling soul.
I will wait on Him.

Psalm 46:10 Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!
Be still. Check. Know that I am God. Check. I will be exalted among the nations. ..I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth. 

He will be.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Fan or Follower?

I don't really have direction today but here are some short ramblings...

So I was thinking about relationships and how girls will almost always change their opinions on things when a guy comes into the picture. For example, say this girl is dating a Georgia Bulldogs fan. Naturally, she's a Georgia Bulldogs fan. Even when they break up, she's still a dawgs fan. But a few months later, here comes a super hottie who happens to be a Georgia Tech fan. This is a make it or break it kinda thing. What do you think she does?
She jumps ship. She joins the yellow jackets. Typical, right?

And then I got to thinking about our faith, and how so many times we do that to God. When we're with Christian friends, or our youth group, or other church people it's so easy to be bold about our faith. To be a "fan" of Jesus. But the minute we step into a secular situation, we hide everything "Jesus" that we have. We conform to fit in. We don't want to have to defend our faith because we really, truly don't believe in it.

That's the sad reality. 

Luke 9:23 And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.

Following Jesus is a daily commitment. Not a one time prayer. It's a burning desire, something that has to be continually sacrificed over and over. Saying a prayer doesn't take away your sinful nature. You will continue to have to make a conscious decision every single day to give your life back to the One who created you and gave His life for you.

James 2:20-24 Do you want to be shown, you foolish person, that faith apart from works is useless? Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered up his son Isaac on the altar? You see that faith was active along with his works, and faith was completed by his works; and the Scripture was fulfilled that says, “Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness”—and he was called a friend of God. You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone.

James tells us that faith apart from works is useless. We've grown up hearing that works alone cannot get us into Heaven. That is true. The two together, faith and works, show the true heart condition of a Christian. It's not about the things you do, but the reason you do them and the attitude you do them with. A radically abandoned follower will be willing to do anything, say anything, and go anywhere for his Savior.

There are too many fans of Jesus and not enough followers.

Which one are you?

Monday, November 18, 2013

Praise in the Storm

Many of you know that Thursday was incredibly hard for me. I received the news that I wasn’t accepted for the World Race team. It was a truly devastating blow.

Now that I’m sitting here remembering the content of my day, I have to be honest, it wasn’t that bad of a day. I held so tight to Jesus, speaking to Him in short whispered prayers literally all day, that it was hard to actually have a bad day. It was quite incredible.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m disappointed. I had prayed so much over this. My friends and family prayed for me. It really seemed that God sent sign after sign. He opened door after door. He told me to have faith. And I went out on a limb and did it. And the next door was slammed in my face. A big fat “NO.” Sitting there in my car on the other side of that phone call, I was confused and hurt. Broken, really.

I had faith! I trusted! I prayed! What did I do wrong?!? And there lies the answer.

I. Me. Myself. 

It’s not about me. It’s not about what I can do. It’s about Jesus. It’s all about Jesus.

I don’t think God is closing the door to missions in my life. I don’t even know if He’s closing the door to the World Race. I just really think God wants me to stop being so self-reliant & self-centered. I mistake faith in God for faith in myself. I think He just wants to take all options, all roads, all plans away from me until I am literally stranded and crying out, open and desperate for His direction. I think He sees the passion and love for His people that I have and wants to strip all the fakery away, all the false trust, all the fluff, until I am left with only a genuine, unshakable trust and faith in Him. That is when we are able to be used in the greatest capacities. When we've completely emptied ourselves of us so we can be filled with Him and used in His miraculous and unfathomable ways.

Like I told my dad, it always seems that just as you start to see God working and moving and you think you see His angle, and just as you decide to jump on that bandwagon and “help” God make things move, He changes the plan. He doesn’t need you to see where He’s going. He doesn’t want you to see where He’s going. He wants you to trust and have faith and follow Him blindly. Otherwise, who gets the praise? Who gets the glory? We do. Not God.
And that defeats our purpose in existence.

Think about this: Our sole purpose is to glorify Him. We were created solely to glorify Him.

Revelation 4:11 - Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things and by your will they existed and were created.

So if I am doing things through my own strength and resources (although for a good cause), who is getting glory? I am. People are looking at me saying “Wow, what a good Christian.” “You’re doing great things for God.” 
In reality, God wants us to have no options, no plans, nowhere to turn but to Him. He wants to put the pieces of the puzzle together in a way that we could never have imagined on our own so that we can’t possibly get the glory, it all goes to Him. 

He wants us to truly have faith

So my 2 hardest battles currently: having TRUE faith & finding contentment in the hard times.

Real faith is difficult. It’s more than an attitude adjustment or a willing heart. It drags you through trials and tough times to see if you’ll break. Real faith is no joke. 

Contentment is also easier said than done, especially when God has given you a passion and then seemingly closed the door to it. It’s hard. But I know that I”m commanded to have faith and to be content, so that is what I’ll do.

I will praise you in this storm, and I will lift my hands. You are who you are, no matter where I am. Every tear I cry, you hold in your hands. You never left my side. And though my heart is torn, I will praise you in this storm.

Fearfully & Wonderfully Made.. Miraculously Ordinary!

I’m ordinary. You’re ordinary.

We are just normal people. But what I’ve realized is that God uses ordinary people in extraordinary ways - that is always what makes miracles so miraculous!

Elijah was an ordinary man who walked closely with God. He had an intimate relationship with God. He prayed that it would not rain and God held the rain for 3 and a half years!

Peter and John were ordinary fishermen. When God used Peter to heal a crippled beggar, they were called in front of the Sanhedrin and questioned. Acts 4:13 - When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus. 

Wow. Just seeing the boldness and courage in their lives was a testimony that they walked with Jesus. I want people to look at me and know I walk with Jesus. I want my walk with Jesus advertised in every aspect of my life and written all over my face. I want my life to be a testimony of life with Jesus.

In the words of Dwight L. Moody: “If God could use Mr. Spurgeon [Charles H. Spurgeon], why should He not use the rest of us, and why should we not all just lay ourselves at the Master’s feet, and say to Him, “Send me! Use me!”

You don’t have to be a Dwight Moody for God to use you. Dwight Moody was a poor, uneducated shoe salesman who wanted to be used by God, willingly gave over his life and asked God to use him, and now look at the legacy he left behind! He was an ordinary person who sought to be used by God and is now considered one of the greatest evangelists of all time!

All God wants is a genuinely willing heart... a heart that seeks to serve Him and glorify Him. When you doubt and don’t believe anything amazing can happen through your ordinary life, you are saying much more about your belief in God than your belief in yourself.
Don’t doubt God.

Saturday, November 9, 2013


Negativity is something that plagues our society to the point that no one even seems to notice anymore. It's really kind of sad. 
It has become a way of life for people. Just look through the majority of social media interactions. Nine times out of ten, someone is complaining about something, whether they are being serious, sarcastic, or joking.

What I have realized is that many of the people who are complaining the most, are the ones who should be the most thankful.

Visualize this:
You live in a world of black and white. There are no colors. 
Everything, including yourself, is black and white. Literally.
One day as you're taking a walk, you see a flower that is bright yellow. You don't generally deal with life in color because everything is black and white. You don't know how to handle this.
You take the flower home and it becomes all you can talk about; all you can focus on. 
The beauty of this colorful flower in a world of black and white.

That is similar to how and why so many people are constantly focusing on the bad things in life. Because, if they were honest with themselves, life isn't too bad. It's pretty great actually. So when something doesn't go your way or doesn't work out as planned, you complain. You focus on it. You dwell on it. It is all you can talk about or think about because you aren't use to having to deal with such setbacks. 

Don't be the person always focusing on the negative. Don't be that spoiled kid who can only talk about the things that aren't going their way, when in reality, they have so many other things they could be thankful for. 

This applies to family situations. So many teens have to deal with ridiculous family situations. There is so much unseen pain in the world. So many teens are hurting everyday, wishing they could live in a "normal" family. Don't be that teen in the somewhat normal family (because no family is completely "normal") who complains when your parents don't let you do everything you want. Don't let the one frustrating setback consume your thoughts and energy. 

Philippians 4:8-9 ...whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me - practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.

God commands us to think about the positive, rather than focusing on the negative. He also says that if we practice what we've learned from him, His peace will be with us. No need to worry and stress about negative things if you have the peace of God. 

So try adjusting your thoughts. Try making a habit out of positive thinking. It will overall make you a happier person and you'll feel much better when setbacks in life do come.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Faithfulness like Moses

I’ve been praying for direction and answers. I’ve been praying for a clear path to take. 

The only word I get in return is faith. 

Today in my studies I jumped around in the Old Testament reading about Moses and his encounter with the burning bush. Many of you have heard this story 1,000 times, but to recap briefly… 
Moses encountered a burning bush in the desert. As he approached it, the audible voice of God told him to be still & remove his sandals because he was standing on holy ground. God tells Moses He has heard the cries of His people and He proceeds to reveal His plan to Moses. He instructs Moses to go to Pharaoh and tell him to let the Israelites go free, and to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. Moses is skeptical, but God reassures him, so Moses does as he is instructed. 

There is a lot about this story that I want to discuss. The first part is the audible voice of God at the burning bush. Numbers 12: 6-8 says “When a prophet of the Lord is among you, I reveal myself to him in visions, I speak to him in dreams. But this is not true of my servant Moses; he is faithful in all my house. With him I speak face to face.” 
That is so incredible to me. “he is faithful,” “with him I speak face to face.” I want the faithfulness of Moses. 

The next thing I want to focus on is the fact that God revealed his plan to Moses with the expectation of Moses to join in. He said to Moses “I have indeed seen the misery of my people. I have heard them crying out… So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land.” (Exodus 3:2-8) 

God heard the cries of His people and He revealed His plan to Moses to deliver them. When God reveals what He is about to do, that revelation becomes an invitation to join Him. This was His way of inviting Moses to be a part of His work. He wanted Moses to go speak to Pharaoh. 

The next part of this amazing story is the part where Moses asks “Who am I?” He does not believe he is worthy of such a task. He also says “I have never been eloquent. I am slow of speech and tongue.” I relate so well to this. I have NEVER been a good speaker. I can sit here and write all day, but if you put me on the spot to speak, I can’t make sense of my own name. I’m just not eloquent in speech. 

But God purposefully uses the unlikely just to show that it is Him working through us and not our own abilities. God doesn’t look for those with the talents or abilities to achieve His purpose and plan. He looks for the faithful and the willing. He seeks out those who want to be involved in His work, no questions asked. 

As Moses obeyed God through faith, God accomplished through Moses what Moses could not do by himself. I pray everyday to have the faithfulness of Moses. As I search for answers and direction on my future and the steps to take next, I want to remember to have faith. After all, that is the only word from God I am offered. Have faith. 

So I’ll step out on faith and attempt what I know can only be done by Jesus. And I'll consciously decide not to doubt, or fear, or look backward but to keep my eyes on Him.

Blind Faith

I can't sleep tonight without getting this off my chest...

Do you ever get that feeling? It's not incredibly deep but I feel as if someone needs to hear it because it continues to nag me to the point of insomnia, literally playing over and over in my head.

What is faith? Believing in something or someone you cannot see.

What does it mean to walk by faith? To trust God to provide for you on your journey through His purpose, whether all the answers are clear or not.

So what is blind faith?

I would venture to say that a person walking a tight rope has faith. They keep their eyes glued to their every step, but they trust that they will not fall. This could be offered as a hypothetical picture of faith.
When I picture blind faith, I see the exact same scenario of the tight rope walker, except that this time, their eyes are fixed on someone across the room. The performer takes one step after another, never looking down to see where he/she maybe be stepping; eyes glued on the figure at the end of the rope.

This visual hit me when I was listening to the lyrics of Oceans by Hillsong United. Just process the meaning behind these words:

Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders,
Let me walk upon the water wherever you may call me.
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger by the presence of my Savior.

I will call upon your name.
Keep my eyes above the waves.
My soul will rest in your embrace. 
I am Yours and You are mine.

Now go back and read only what I underlined. Walking on water takes faith, just as walking on a tight rope would. But to keep your eyes above the waves, fixed on Jesus and not on circumstances as you do miraculous things in His name... Now that is blind faith.

Matthew 14:29-33
He (Jesus) said "Come." So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, "Lord save me." Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him, saying to him, "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?" And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased. And those in the boat worshiped him, saying, "Truly you are the Son of God."

Incredibly powerful. Peter had the faith to walk on water. Jesus acknowledged that when He said "you of little faith." He indeed had some amount of faith. But he lacked the radical abandonment to practice blind faith by keeping his eyes on Jesus rather than the wind and waves (circumstances) around him. That is what ultimately caused his failure. His doubt. His lack of blind faith.

The lyrics above are my heart's cry. I want that radical abandonment. I want to walk in blind faith in Jesus Christ. I realize that it is the most satisfying place to be. Pouring out my praise, worshiping with my life, walking by blind faith in His holy name. I want nothing more for my life than this.

Someone somewhere needed to read this. Even if it were only for me.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013



What do you think of when you hear this word? Is it cliche’ phrases like “time is money,” “how time flies,” “waste of time,” or “running out of time”?

And whose time are you thinking about? Yours or someone else’s?

Something I’ve been personally convicted about lately is my time. Just the nature of that sentence shows you where my priorities. We don’t have time. I don’t have time. It’s all God’s time. He created us and this world we live on and the time we live in. It is not ours and we should not feel as if we can do what we want with it.

In the last blog, we saw that our bodies are an image of Him and we were created to glorify Him with every breath. In this blog I want to show you that time is not your own and every millisecond should be spent glorifying Him, otherwise it is wasted and you are not doing with it what you were solely created for.

Don’t misunderstand. Day to day functions are necessary, I get that. But the point is that when your heart is revolving around the sole purpose of pleasing, glorifying and praising God, all else will fall into place within that. I know that something like washing your hands is not an act of praise to God. Understandable. But the main focus of your energies should be in Him, which will cause all other priorities to be put safely in their place. 

Time we spend doing what we want, rather than what God wants is stolen. What?!?! Am I calling you a thief? Well technically, yes. When we take the life and the time God has given us and use if for anything but His glory, we’re stealing. So many people can be accused of stealing God’s time and they don’t even have a clue they are doing it. Our sinful natures make it so easy to sin.

Exodus 20:15 - You shall not steal.

Most of you just read that robotically and didn’t even think about it. You’ve heard this commandment since you were a child, whether you grew up in church or not. But what we overlook is that there is more to stealing than physical goods. If God created your life for the purpose of glorifying Him and created the time on earth for you to do it in, and then paid the price to purchase your life from hell, then your life and your time is not really your own. It belongs to God. So to take it and use it how you see fit is stealing. 

Stealing can refer to more than things. It’s time, it’s money, it’s effort, it’s energy, it’s desire.

Colossians 1:16 - For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities - all things were created through him and for him.

All things were created by him, through him, and for him. Everything in existence exists because of him and for the glory of him. 

My personal conviction is that I don’t spend enough time studying Him and seeking Him out in the pages of His word. I study and I do my devotions, I read, I listen to sermons in my car regularly, I praise Him and worship Him constantly, but often I’m on my own time schedule - not His. I’m giving Him a time slot in my daily schedule, rather than giving Him all of it and watching what He can do with it.

Don’t fall into the trap of believing you don’t have time each morning for God. It’s a lie from Satan that we are all so quick to believe because it seems valid and because it comes from your own thoughts. God made time to send His son to die in your place; you should be able to find some time each morning to seek Him and learn about Him and grow in Him. 

Give back the time He’s given you.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

What do I reflect? Who do they see?

I haven't been blogging as often as I'd like and I'm actually pretty convicted about it. I know my blog isn't incredibly popular, but the fact that someone, somewhere reads everyday is reason enough to update. I also can't spend as much time with some of my girls from the summer as I'd like and this is one important way of keeping the passion alive from summer camp. Though miles may separate us, God's word brings us together.

Lately I've run across the idea of worship more than once. I think I've mentioned before that it always excites me when something I am reading or learning about in my private study time or my reading shows up in church or bible studies, etc. The typical misconception about worship is that it is a 30 minute music segment in a church service. That grossly misrepresents what worship is and should be.

To take things back to the basics, we were made to glorify God. That is our sole purpose in life.
Revelation 4:11 - Worthy are You, our Lord and our God, to receive glory and honor and power; for You created all things, and because of Your will they existed, and were created.

In order to glorify Him, everything we do and say must be to the glory of His name. We glorify Him through worship. "What is worship" you may ask. It is a lifestyle. It is not a 30 minute music segment in a church service. Most often, worship has nothing to do with music. Your highest form of praise and worship should be the way you live life everyday. If you live for the sole purpose of glorifying Him and spreading His name around the world, you are worshipping with your life. 

Isaiah 29:13 - The Lord says: "These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is made up only of rules taught by men."

One of the hardest things for Christians is to remember to go back to the Bible and what Jesus says about certain issues. More often than not, we rely on spiritual figures in our lives to give us instruction, without looking at what the Bible says for ourselves. In Isaiah 29:13, the Lord is clearly agonized by the false worship of His people. While they are engaging in the "acceptable" means of worship (such as music in a church service), their hearts are not worshiping Him on a daily basis. Their lives are not being directed by the sole purpose of glorifying and worshiping Him. They may sing the words, but their hearts are far from Him. In short, they are only going through the motions.

But why should we worship? Why live our lives for God? Because of the second part in Revelation 4:11 that says: "for You created all things, and because of Your will they existed, and were created." And not only for His creation of us, but because He sent His son Jesus to die on the cross so we wouldn't go to hell for the sins we've committed. Think about that.. God created human beings to bring glory to Himself. Adam and Eve sinned against Him, causing humankind to be stained with a sinful nature. As we sat around sinful and dying, He sent His only Son to be the payment for our sins. Without Jesus' blood we were doomed to eternal damnation.

Why would the God who CREATED us for His glory, give up His son to save people who consciously reject Him on a regular basis?
Because He loves us.

And we don't deserve it. We will never deserve it. But He has offered eternal life, why would we be stupid enough to reject it? And once we accept it and begin to grow in Him and learn about what an amazing God He really is, how could we not DESIRE to worship with our lives? In fact, how can we even call them our lives? He gave His life to save ours. Our lives were bought with His blood. So we can't really call them our own.

So when people look at you, what do they see? Genesis 1:27 says "God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them." Because we were created in the image of God, and now that we understand we were bought by His blood and our sole purpose is to live for Him, we should be a direct image of Jesus. That is how you worship with your life. When you live every moment for Him, you glorify Him with your actions, and you are literally a walking representation of Him; a mirror image. Of course you're not perfect - that's not expected. But a daily relationship and constant desire to live for God is expected.

And when you represent a mirror image of Him, you're showing people Jesus without even trying. You're spreading the good news without ever opening your mouth. Your life and your actions show the unsaved who He is.

So really think about it... When people look at you, who do they see?

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Struggle of Conformity

What a beautiful weekend filled with fun and friends. 

Southern Belle Farm Sunset (unedited)

I am always amazed when God links what I'm reading in my own personal study time with Him with what I hear in church or life groups. It's the little things that get me ;)

So in studying the children of Israel's journeys, we find so many similarities between them and Christians today. They were to be set apart - different. They were God's chosen people, and he intended for them to live differently to be light to the unsaved nations around them. 

They failed miserably and constantly, just like Christians today. We are supposed to be different. We are supposed to be a light to the unsaved people around us and yet we are constantly conforming. The pressure to go with the flow is so hard to resist. It is a constant and daily battle. 

Romans 12: 1-2: I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. 

We see that at every turn, at every new land the Israelites walked through, they conformed to the behaviors and beliefs of the people around them. They worshipped their gods and acted like the natives to belong or fit in. When we compare, it is so easy to say, "Well I don't worship other gods." But in reality, we are continuously worshiping other gods. We can turn just about anything into a god. 

We are a self-consumed, self-worshipping society. If it's not ourselves we are worshiping, it could be celebrities and other famous figures around us. Many people worship music or social media. Literally anything can become a god when you focus all of your time and energy into it. 

I speak from experience. For me it was a person. Even as a Christian, I lost focus of God and became too focused on one person. I based everything in my life around them. I unknowingly revolved my entire existence around a human being. It can happen so easily and so fast that you never see it coming and it takes so long before you realize what you've done. It wrecked my life. The person didn't wreck my life, I wrecked my life. My idol worship wrecked my life.

Thank God our Creator is a God of forgiveness and mercy and grace. I literally had to come to the point that my life crumbled around me and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. I not only lost my idol, but I lost everything else I ever had (other than my immediate family). I put all my eggs in one basket and it was all ripped out from under me. 

His mercy, forgiveness and grace carried me through the following months, opening my eyes to what an amazing God we have. How I could have ever worshipped anyone or anything else is beyond me. Never again will I live my life for anyone but Jesus. 

I know it is easier to understand when you've "been there, done that" but I pray that none of you will have to get to that point. It is horrible. It is miserable. Many people don't recover. Many people turn to other things besides Jesus to immediately and temporarily take the pain away. If there is any take away from my story it is that God made us to worship and glorify Him. Our very existence is to glorify God and to extend his grace among the nations. 

This brings me back to missions. I firmly believe missions is our command, not a calling. I am not "called" to spread the word, I am commanded. I want to forever sing praises to our Holy God and shine the light among the nations living in darkness. I want to live every moment for Him. 

Saturday, October 26, 2013

In Sync with Jesus

The things I share in my blog come from my personal time with Jesus and the things I learn and experience daily. Sometimes they are quite random. More often than not, they may seem sporadic or off topic (like me). But they are always led and guided by my walk with Jesus and therefore have a significant impact in my life, and I hope in others through this blog. Here is where I was this morning:

I jump around a little too much. I was juggling reading multiple different books at once while trying the Experiencing God workbook and 3 other devotionals at the same time. My excuse is a great one.. I am just seeking God in every place I can think to look. I want consultation in everything I do. I am so hungry for what He has to say to me. I want His will and His way on this journey. It’s not my life, it’s His and I am seeking His guidance. I’m soaking up every bit of Him I can find around me.

But too much jumping around can leave you confused and frustrated. Generally God links what I read in my devotions, in my study time, and in my personal reading time. It’s amazing how He does it! But Thursday I found myself getting very confused with all that I was reading. I was struggling with the question “Has following Jesus cost you anything?”

I thought about that deeply and my immediate answer was no. I sit here and think about what I’ve “given up” or “sacrificed” and I can’t think of much, if anything. But then I thought about it a little deeper and I realize that when I made the decision to give my life back, to follow Him, I gave up everything I knew. I gave up my old friends, my way of life, my habits, my comforts, people incredibly close to me… I really did give up a lot! My life is 100% different than it was 8 months ago. I’m not even the same girl. But it doesn’t feel like it! So I was struggling with the idea that following Jesus had to hurt. Like it needed to feel like I was sacrificing.

I called a good friend for help on the matter. He has the answer but of course wanted me to find it out for my own. Typical. 

I was really struggling with the frustration and confusion. Did I give up enough? Do I need to give up more? Why didn’t I feel as if I had given up as much as I had? How much was enough?

And this morning I began asking more questions while going through the Experiencing God series. I am planning to sell much of what I own to pay for the World Race trip that I am taking. I will leave my friends and family for about a year to go around the country spreading the gospel. That is giving right? I’m giving of myself, my time, my money, my things….

But the answer to this is not an objective answer. It’s not a simple yes or no if you’ve reached “this limit.” It is a heart condition. If my question revolves around “is this enough” then the answer will always be no. It’s not enough. If that is the question then my heart is not in the right place. And I realized again how desperately important a constant walk with Jesus is. 

I was reminded that if you go your own way for one day, for one minute even, you will take so many steps away from Him that you won’t even realize how far you walked. It is a constant battle to keep Satan from pulling you in different directions.

So my conclusion for today: walk with Jesus. Every day, every hour, every minute. Everything else falls in sync when you’re walking with Him and in His will.

John 12:26 Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant will also be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Ok, just one more blog today! I was learning so much in my time with Jesus this morning that I just have to share it! I wanted to break it into 2 posts because it isn't exactly related and also, I like to keep my posts somewhat short so people don't get tired of listening to my rambling =)

I've been incredibly fired up about missions lately. I have been reading Radical by David Platt and I've come to realize that missions is not a calling, it's a command.

Acts 13:47 - For so the Lord has commanded us saying, "I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth."

Radical really changed my perspective on "my life" and turned my way of thinking upside down. It has been amazing. I'd advise that you read it. Whether you are "missions-minded" or not, it will still change how you view everyday life and what God has commanded of us. Not asked.. commanded.

So one of the questions in the very beginning of the book asked if I was REALLY willing to give up EVERYTHING for the one who gave His life for me, in order to spread the word. I took a few days to think on that. Literally. I stopped reading the book until I found my answer. I wasn't willing. But I was determined to change that. The more I searched for God in the pages of His word, the more willing I became. And now it has become the ONLY desire of my heart to spread the gospel of Jesus to the ends of the earth. Again, literally.

Once I crossed that barrier of the willingness factor, every aspect of my perspective and life view changed. All I want is to know Jesus deeper and to share that with everyone. I got so incredibly excited for the mission that I became restless and eager to leave and begin telling people about our amazing God.

Within just a few days I actually started to become miserable.. WHAT??? I was excited and fired up about Jesus just the other day!? What is going on!?!?! When I realized that my misery was stemming from the realization that I can't leave on missions for quite a while, I felt a little better. But only a little. I was still restless, still kinda bummed. But this morning in my time with Jesus, everything turned around....

In reading Radical, I realized that there is a mission right here in front of me. It is a huge task to take on and I have been wasting my time focusing too far ahead. I was just wishing my time away for the day I get to travel in His name, when He's got something amazing right here in front of me.. check it out:

Matthew 28:19 - Go therefore and MAKE DISCIPLES of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Make disciples? What? At first when I read that I brushed it off because I assumed that was for the male leaders and deacons of my home church to worry with. Then it dawned on me how very wrong I am! I have been called to make disciples in my time right here. This moment where I am "stuck" (for lack of better words) I am to be bringing people up in the teaching of His word and working to ignite that same fire in them for the command of Jesus to tell others about the gospel. Disciples aren't just men. And making disciples is not just for men. I have been misconstruing this idea, this command of Jesus for my entire life!

WHAT HAVE I BEEN DOING?!?! So many disciples to make, so little time! I want to leave on my world race in less than a year. And leave for summer camp in an even shorter time than that. I don't have much time to be making these disciples! Time is of the essence, why am I wasting it?

So that was another thought for the day. Are you making disciples where YOU are?

Making Your Steps SECURE. Just Trust.

I love when God speaks to me. It is just so refreshing & it is such an encouragement to be reassured that I'm heading in the right direction.

So this world race... It's been a struggle in more ways than one. First of all, just trying to get peace about whether or not it is God's will has been my main concern. The next hurdle was the fear I had when it became real that this is what I was doing. And the biggest obstacle of all will be the funding.

It is just, overall, a test of my faith.

This morning I receive a promise and a confirmation that I'm in the right place..

Psalm 40:2 really spoke to me: He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure.

This is me. This is my promise. God brought me out of that pit I was living in. He raised me up and set me on the rock. He put me here for a purpose and if I step out in faith, he will make my steps secure. I just have to trust Him.

Psalm 56:11 - in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can man do to me?
Psalm 37:5 - Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and HE will act.

Last but not least.. a personal favorite at the moment.. Psalm 33:21 - For our heart is glad in him, because we TRUST in his holy name.

My heart is glad. I am learning to trust. I have trusted Him this far and He has brought me this far. Why not continue to trust and see what amazing things he will do in my life? Trust. That is the key. And that is why I am so happy. My joy is found in my trust in Him and his love and goodness for me.

The Psalms are such a great place to turn when we face fleshly obstacles and trials. They were written by David, a man after God's own heart, but still a wicked sinner. He was so very human just like us. At times he was so close to God and then at times he would run so far. There is so much to be learned from his struggles. So much to be learned about the love of God through his love and goodness to David.

If you're discouraged or confused or searching for God, look for him in his word. There is no better place to find God than in the books he wrote to us. They were meant to help us on our earthly journey here. They are full of encouragement and wisdom and instruction and help. Don't turn to people of this world to help you. The creator of the universe has something to say to you. Go check it out. And if you don't know where to start, download the Bible app on your phone and search something. Search a word or a phrase. Just start seeking and you will find it - He will show you what you need to see.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Let your Light so Shine

And yet another amazing weekend...

God is so good. He takes care of His children even when we don't think to ask Him. This weekend I was particularly nervous about a certain encounter. Without praying, I ran head first into my busy weekend activities. Looking back, I see that God provided in moments that I had forgotten to seek His help. I see that God took away that encounter so that I could enjoy my weekend and spend time with my precious girls. He has a plan and a purpose and I should learn to let go and quit worrying so much. All this week's nervous worrying about the weekend was pointless. If I would have given the situation up to Him earlier, I could have saved on the stress!

I had such a remarkable weekend with my girls! I know that God has me where I am right now for a purpose. I know that He has specific things for me to do "for such a time as this." These girls I've developed friendships with over the summer, and many others are a part of my purpose.

I have a wandering heart. I have an unquenchable thirst for travel. I was made to be a missionary. But I have come to realize that I'm placed here, in this situation, in this moment, for a reason. I have a fire for Jesus that I'm meant to spread. I was created to experience his grace and to extend His glory.

Missions is my calling. But it is more than just a calling. It is a command. Mark 16:15 says "And he said to them, 'Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.'"

I've been reading the book Radical by David Platt and I've been thoroughly challenged to re-evaluate the way I live my life. It has caused me to rethink how I view God, the Bible, and Christianity. I learned that missions is not an optional church activity that we can choose to participate in or not participate in. It is a command by God that most people have overlooked or brushed off because they don't believe they are "called." We have diminished the commands of God to a calling. That's a pretty big deal.

And many people mistake being a missionary for being someone who drops everything and moves overseas. While this radical abandonment to Christ is to be commended, I'll admit, it's not for everyone. But so many people who don't think they are called to missions move through their everyday lives ignoring the command to spread the gospel to the ends of the earth. They forget that their immediate surroundings are included in that command.

Think about it this way... if there were Christians (or at least just ONE Christian) in every part or every region of the world, if they spread the gospel right where they were, and those new Christians spread the gospel where they were, etc, etc, then we could ELIMINATE the need for those who are fully devoted to have to move overseas to take the gospel. What an interesting thought! But it's so sad that we as Christians have dropped the ball, causing the few who take God's command seriously to have to leave everything to pick up the slack.

Answer this honestly to yourself: How many people have you told about Jesus today? What about yesterday? What about this whole week? This month? This year? Think about that seriously. In one year's time, how many people were impacted by your life? What difference are you making?

It's not too late to start making a difference. Start today by telling one person about Jesus. And if you're new to it, start slowly by just inviting someone to church with you. Get out of your box. Realize that one day without spreading the gospel is a day wasted. Let your life count for more than just Facebook friends and Instagram followers. You don't have to leave home to spread the message to the ends of the earth. Start spreading it a little each day.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

All Day Everyday

Hello again! Another day, another blog!

I'm so incredibly happy that it's become ridiculous. I actually found myself wondering today when this "happiness high" would wear off. And then I recalled something I read.. true happiness and a deep contentment that will never wear off can only come from Jesus. I was just having a discussion with a friend the other day about how, at some point, everyone in your life will fail you. Literally everyone. Why? Because everyone is human. They can't help it. They aren't perfect and neither are you. The only person we can fully rely on is Jesus. And as we search for Him in the pages of His word, He will reveal Himself to us and we will grow closer to Him, resulting in a deep down, genuine happy that can't be taken away because of people or circumstances.

So picture this. Last year at this time, all I wanted was to be married and have a family. I had a serious boyfriend of over 4 years, I was a year away from graduation, he had plenty of money saved up to start a life, we both had good jobs and nice cars... All I wanted was a family. A husband, a house, some children and some pets. I pictured my perfect little family and that was my only focus.

I was miserable. I wasn't getting anything I wanted. And you know what I've realized? If I HAD gotten what I wanted, I would have been 10 times more miserable than I was. And I'm not saying that because of the guy I was with - not in the least. I'm saying that because my priorities, my focus was entirely wrong. It was on myself and what I "thought" would make me happy. It was nowhere near God and His will for my life.

Fast forward to my present life: I'm single, I'm graduating but have no sense of career direction or prospects, I am nowhere near having a baby, I'm considering selling my car for ministry, I have no money and will probably not buy a house for a very, very long time. That is completely opposite from my original dreams, goals, and wants. But I am INSANELY HAPPY! Why? Because I've been seeking Jesus. Because in recent months I've gotten so close to Him and He's changed my life so radically that I don't want any of those things anymore. I only want Jesus.

I've given my life to His work and His ministry. I want to show others how to have this happiness in the midst of failures, trials, disasters and tragedy. I can hardly contain the desire to tell everyone I see about my love for Jesus and His incredible and unfailing love for me!

1 Chronicles 16: 8-11 is part of a song David was singing to thank God. It says "(8) Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples! (9) Sing to him, sing praises to him; tell of all his wondrous works! (10) Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice! (11) Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually."

I want to live out these verses. I want to remember where I was, where God brought me from and thank Him for it. Thank Him for bringing me out of that life and redeeming and restoring me. I want to praise His name for how he's transformed me and made Himself known to me when I sought after Him. I want to sing His praise, not only to glorify Him, but to show others of the love I have for my Savior. I want to continually seek Him so that this happiness won't run out. So that this contentment and confidence will follow me throughout all the journeys I'll take in His name.

All I want is Jesus. All day, everyday.