Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Trusting as Easily as Breathing

Trusting God wholly and completely for the outcome of a situation is really hard to do when your heart is invested in something.

I know because that is what I struggled with last year as I awaited my answer regarding the world race. In fact, it's what I'm struggling with today, as I'm writing this, again, awaiting the results of my acceptance to the world race.

I'm a missionary. I don't live in a foreign country, I haven't gained support of a church to go overseas, but I've given my heart to missions. I've given my heart to God and He has burdened me for missions. 

In my search for His will in my life, I've discovered the world race. If you have been following me on this blog for the last year, you'll remember that I wasn't accepted last year but that I applied again this year, hoping that in my faithfulness, God would bless.

What I've come to realize is that He has no obligation to bless my faithfulness to my own heart's desires. He will bless my faithfulness to His desires, and His alone. 

Trust isn't something you can force yourself to do, especially if you've been hurt in the past or if things haven't worked out for you. Unfortunately, you can't make yourself trust, but there are steps you can take to learn to let go of a situation and to gain peace about it, all while learning how to trust.

I truly feel that the first step in trusting God is to let go. 
Let go of your wants or fears. Let go of your control. Let go of yourself and hold on to God. Get close to Him, pray to Him, ask for His help.
Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
Just take a deep breath and let it all go.

 After you let go of the control, let go of the idea that your way is the best way.
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
God's way is the best way. The only way for you to realize that is to let God have His way and to stop thinking that you know it all. Life is a huge puzzle and he sees the end result. Remember that there are pieces you can't see from where you are right now. Trust that He sees and hears and knows all and has the best plan to make you prosper in His name.

If you struggle with letting go, ask Him for help. Pray to Him. He hears you.
Mark 11:24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it shall be yours.
Remember not to pray selfishly. Pray for the will of God to be done. Pray for His perfect timing, His perfect solution, His perfect plan. He will do it.

Get rid of the idea in the back of your mind that if you follow these steps and pray for His will that He will still give you what you want. He sees our hearts and He knows if you truly desire His will or your own.

You may still not get the answer you had hoped for. Thank Him for that. 
Because if He says no, then He has a greater plan in store that you can't imagine

Today, this is my hearts prayer: that I will learn to trust Him as easily as I breathe and that I will thank Him for whatever answer He gives. I pray that if He closes the door on something, I will desire to continue to praise Him in the hallway until He opens the next door.

Pray that way with me. Learn to let go and trust Him.

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