Sunday, September 14, 2014

Let go || Be free

The world can be a pretty negative place.

There are a lot of things in life that will get you down. Break ups, mean friends, bad grades, financial stress, relationship issues, car problems, job loss, etc. But no matter the circumstance, whether you're being mistreated, made fun of, abused, lied about or lied to, taken advantage of or rejected, God loves you.

At your highest and in your lowest times, God has and always will love you.

S o m e t i m e s   w e   l e t   o u r   t r o u  b l e s   o v e r t a k e   u s .

Sometimes we let the sins of others distract us. 

But what's really important is that, in every step you take, God is right there with you and He loves you.

Often, the problem is our focus, our priorities. What is your focus? Are you too concerned with the people around you to focus on the fact that a sinless, Holy God loves you and wants a personal relationship with you?

Are you too caught up with society and the let down of not being perfect that you don't see that God made you PERFECT in every way and that you are a creation of a PERFECT God?

If you could just sit down today for a few moments and clear your head of the distractions of Satan, you will realize that in HIM, you are redeemed, set free, made new, a perfect creation.

Don't let the standards of others get you down and cause you to think bad of yourself. Don't let the pressure of the world confuse you into thinking you're not good enough.
D o n ' t  l e t  s o c i e t y  t e l l  y o u  h o w  t o  d r e s s  o r  h o w  t o  a c t  o r  w h o  t o  b e .
Don't let the sins and mistreatment of others manipulate you into thinking that you deserve less.

Let go of all of that negativity. Let go of your past. Rejoice in Christ's love and freedom.

Psalm 35:9 says "My soul shall be joyful in the Lord; It shall rejoice in His salvation."

Let go. Be free.

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