Monday, September 1, 2014

Accepting His Gifts

The last 3 days have been incredibly relaxing for my family. After a long summer on mission, we have finally taken a week long break to spend unwinding at the beach. In my relaxation, I've been overwhelmed by God's love and peace. What always seems to blow my mind is the way He presents the truth to me. It is always in such creative and subtle ways. Like I've said before, it's the little things that get me.
Anyways, I ran across this passage while I was reading one day by the pool:
God's love is a gift. It cannot be earned. Not because we are not worthy enough (which we aren't) but because gifts cannot be earned. They are given freely.
As the passage reads: "You cannot earn it, or it ceases to be a gift." I really loved the way that was presented in these few short sentences. So many times I feel myself feeling unworthy or disappointed in my sinful, selfish, fleshly self. However, this is merely a distraction of Satan. How better to hinder the work of Christ than by attacking His servants from the inside out?
So don't let the distraction and the lies of Satan hold you back. Don't feel like you're unworthy to do something great for God. His love is a gift. His forgiveness is a gift. His peace and mercy and grace are gifts. No matter how good we are, or how bad we may be, we cannot earn them and we cannot lose them. They are freely given, no matter how great our sins.
Don't let Satan win. Accept the gift and be something/do something incredible for Jesus. You are worthy because you are HIS. You are worthy because you have been made perfect in Him.

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