Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Be you.


I don't need to prove myself to anyone.

I don't need to live up to anyone else's standards.

I don't have to be accepted by anyone.

I am me, and that's all I have to be.

Today I was reflecting on how painful it is to be rejected by someone, or how it feels to be told you aren't good enough. No one should feel like that ever. No one should ever feel like they need to change, or be different, or impress someone to be wanted, needed or loved. 

Don't change for anyone. Be you. Because if you change to be accepted, you'll have to keep up the front if you want anything to last. And the day that gets too exhausting, you won't be able to remember who you really were.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Think Before You Judge

The more involved with social media I become, the more appalled at the judgement being cast down on others. So here are a few things to think on…

Matthew 7:1-5 says:
Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.

In short, it is saying not to judge the actions of those around you. While you are pointing out their flaws, you are overlooking the flaws in your own life.

What I find is that many people do not truly understand that all sin is equal. We have a tendency to place sin on a scale of what we THINK is worse. 

God sees all sins equally. We are the ones placing values on sins. 

James 4: 11-12 says:
Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge. There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?

Not only are we told not to judge, but we are also told not to speak evil against one another. Now when God tells us not to do something, and we do it anyways, what is that called? Sin. 

So while you're judging those around you and talking badly about their sin, you are committing sins yourself in the process. Just think about that for a while.

There is ONE lawgiver and ONE judge.

Who are you to judge your neighbor? 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Bloom Where You Are Planted

More random ramblings...

The hardest lesson I've learned of late was that sometimes you aren't called to go, sometimes you're called to help others go. Sometimes you're a part of the process that launches others into the world to spread the gospel. Sometimes God has a different plan in mind than what you had hoped.

And when you realize this, it's easy to be selfish. It's easy to be disappointed. It's easy to be discouraged.
I know because this is me.

God created the universe. He created you, He created me, He created everything. He knows your talents, your weaknesses, everything about you - because He made you. So when God designed the master plan He placed each and every person where He knew they could be used to further His kingdom to the greatest capacity. Why? Because we exist solely for God. We were made to experience His grace and extend His glory.
His plan incorporates our strengths and minimizes our weaknesses. He doesn't ask of you what you cannot endure. When He asks above and beyond what you can do, He provides it, He creates the way, He does it.. if you allow Him.

What I've noticed is that sometimes we jump ahead. We think we see the plan and we want to run and do it ourselves. We forget that the plan's designer wants a daily relationship with us. We forget that He'll provide everything needed to accomplish His plan in perfect timing. We forget that He created the plan, therefore He is the only one who knows the ins and outs, the way to get the plan completed perfectly as He wants it.
We forget.

So, more often that we'd like, we have to be reminded that this is God's plan, not ours. And we have to take a step back and ask God what He wants. It's not easy, and sometimes it hurts.

What I can say is that maybe He's not saying no forever. Maybe He is saying no for now. Maybe there is more for you to do here. He has a greater plan. If you accept the answer and direction He gives and submit to it, He will reveal what He wants of you and I can promise it will be more amazing than what you could have ever dreamed up. 

My advice? (And what I've learned from the amazing mentors God has placed in my own life:)
Bloom where you are planted.

Seek God's face, accept his instruction, obey his direction and flourish where He has you. Every piece of your life is a part of His divine plan. Every place, every person, every experience, everything. It is all in your life for a reason. It is all a part of the journey, your learning experience.

Let go of your plan and link up with God's.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Holiday Stress

Just some short thoughts because it's been awhile...

So I'm praying again about the World Race. If you could keep me in your prayers.

I'm also in the middle of college finals. I have one more day of classes, 2 projects due, 4 papers due, and 4 finals. So a little prayer about that too would be helpful.

And I want to thank those of you who read regularly. It's incredibly encouraging. Not because I want any focus from blogging, but because I feel that God has given me a talent in writing. It is my voice, if you will. The way I can share what I know and what I'm learning. So thanks for supporting me.

Nothing profound today.. just a little note of encouragement:

So it's Christmastime! Yay! Who is stressed already?
I know I am. My stress comes from a bunch of thing: finals, grades, projects, graduation, money, work, family, holidays, planning, shopping, etc.

But when you start to get overwhelmed this holiday season, just sit back and remember that God offers peace to His children. He doesn't want you to be stressed. Stress is actually a result of us losing focus of God and his almighty hand and looking at the turbulence around us in this world.

It's like Peter when he walked on water. When his focus was on Jesus, he could literally do the impossible. When he turned his eyes to the troubles around him, he began to sink and it was apparent that he was in over his head (again, literally). So don't look at the waves. Don't dwell on the negative, the impossible, the difficulties. Focus on Jesus. Let Him give you that peace that can only come through Him.

I know about 3 weeks ago I was stressed hard core about school. I decided to let go of everything and focus only on God. Somehow my worries were gone. My responsibilities weren't gone, my tests weren't gone, but my cares had vanished. I was so relieved, so at peace, so happily in love with Christ. My walk with Him was absolutely incredible. I still wasn't making the best grades, but I just wasn't stressed about it anymore. Then I lost sight. I began to look at the waves around me, the bad grades adding up and the responsibilities that never ended and I felt like I was drowning. To give that all back over to Him was like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. 

I know that all things work together for the good of those who please Him. I know that if I keep my priorities straight and keep my eyes on Him, His will will be done and I cannot fail.

Pray with me every day this month to keep your eyes on Jesus. It will cut down on your stress and you'll feel happier and fuller than you've ever felt.