Just some short thoughts because it's been awhile...
So I'm praying again about the World Race. If you could keep me in your prayers.
I'm also in the middle of college finals. I have one more day of classes, 2 projects due, 4 papers due, and 4 finals. So a little prayer about that too would be helpful.
And I want to thank those of you who read regularly. It's incredibly encouraging. Not because I want any focus from blogging, but because I feel that God has given me a talent in writing. It is my voice, if you will. The way I can share what I know and what I'm learning. So thanks for supporting me.
Nothing profound today.. just a little note of encouragement:
So it's Christmastime! Yay! Who is stressed already?
I know I am. My stress comes from a bunch of thing: finals, grades, projects, graduation, money, work, family, holidays, planning, shopping, etc.
But when you start to get overwhelmed this holiday season, just sit back and remember that God offers peace to His children. He doesn't want you to be stressed. Stress is actually a result of us losing focus of God and his almighty hand and looking at the turbulence around us in this world.
It's like Peter when he walked on water. When his focus was on Jesus, he could literally do the impossible. When he turned his eyes to the troubles around him, he began to sink and it was apparent that he was in over his head (again, literally). So don't look at the waves. Don't dwell on the negative, the impossible, the difficulties. Focus on Jesus. Let Him give you that peace that can only come through Him.
I know about 3 weeks ago I was stressed hard core about school. I decided to let go of everything and focus only on God. Somehow my worries were gone. My responsibilities weren't gone, my tests weren't gone, but my cares had vanished. I was so relieved, so at peace, so happily in love with Christ. My walk with Him was absolutely incredible. I still wasn't making the best grades, but I just wasn't stressed about it anymore. Then I lost sight. I began to look at the waves around me, the bad grades adding up and the responsibilities that never ended and I felt like I was drowning. To give that all back over to Him was like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders.
I know that all things work together for the good of those who please Him. I know that if I keep my priorities straight and keep my eyes on Him, His will will be done and I cannot fail.
Pray with me every day this month to keep your eyes on Jesus. It will cut down on your stress and you'll feel happier and fuller than you've ever felt.